viernes, 8 de abril de 2011


This occurs without over instruction, this is innate in a humans being because there is a predisposition in the human infant to acquire language.
If a human being need to acquire a language He needs to have a basic requirements likes
Language- faculty: this is a ability to acquire a language.

Cultural Transmission: a child needs to have an enter who transmits language
If a child doesn´t hear or speak a language he won´t be able to acquired language because learning is not genetically inherited.
The acquisition schedule includes biological capacity and acquisition capacity.
Biological is a determinate development of motor skills
Acquisition capacity is useful when a child receive a constant input.
Some controversies:
There are some controversies about this topic for example Noam Chomsky says that this acquisition has been acquired for as language growth, because a language is an organ then it needs to maturate and this is not innateness.

Caretaker speech
Is a way like mother or principal person that have contact with a baby in his first month or year of his life. This is his first input for acquired language. Some features of this type of speech is called Motherese and it is associated a lot of forms with BABY – TALK.
It is also characterized by simple sentences structures and a lot of repetition of first adult that have contact with a baby. It Is useful because baby can produce more and more language in his process learning.
Pre-language stages
These are sounds that baby produce very early age and his acquisition are simply called: Cooing and Babbling.
Cooing: it happens when a baby is 3 month. A child produces velar consonant such as /k/ and /g/ and usually vowels such as /i/ and /u/.
Babbling: It happens when children are 6 months. They are usually able to sit up and can produce a number as different vowels and consonant such as fricatives and nasal.
What is holophrastic stage?
This occurs between 12 and 18 months when a child is able to produce one. Word like Milk, Cookie cat. This term is a single form functioning as a phrase or sentence.
Telegraphic speech
Between 2 and 3 years old the child will be able to produce a large number of utterances which could be classified as multiple- word utterances. And in this stage is called too telegraphic speech because it is characterized by strings of lexical morphemes in phrases such as Andrew want ball, cat drink etc.

The acquisition process

In this process a child incorporates some inflexional morpheme which indicates the grammatical function of the nouns and verbs used.

A child uses a morpheme like S but he overgeneralizes the rule S in all words.

Here, they use imitation then they ask and repeat what they heard
The semantics development in a child´s use of words is usually a process of overextension initially, followed by a gradual process of narrowing down the application of each term as more words are learned.

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